
How to use

Supported Keys

Key Description
Up History: Previous command
Down History: Next command
Left In-Line Editor: Move cursor left
Right In-Line Editor: Move cursor right
Home In-Line Editor: Move cursor to the front
End In-Line Editor: Move cursor to the end
Delete In-Line Editor: Delete next character
Ctrl-A In-Line Editor: Move cursor to the front
Ctrl-E In-Line Editor: Move cursor to the end
Ctrl-K In-Line Editor: Delete all right of cursor
Ctrl-U In-Line Editor: Delete entire line
Ctrl-Left In-Line Editor: Move cursor to front of word
Ctrl-Right In-Line Editor: Move cursor to next word
Ctrl-Backspace In-Line Editor: Delete characters until previous word
Ctrl-Delete In-Line Editor: Delete characters until next word
Tab Tab Completion: Complete the command based on command history.
Backspace Delete previous character
Shift-PgUp Scroll screen up half a page
Shift-PgDn Scroll screen down half a page
Shift-Insert Paste
Drag Mouse Copy selection
Double Click Copy one word
Triple Click Copy entire line
Right-Click Paste

Locating the menu After you're connected, the menu is located on the upper left corner of the client window. There are the support shortcuts to the various features included in DF Client. Screen

Trouble saving your settings? When adding aliases, hotkeys, or triggers, you must first complete the empty sections. Then, press the SAVE button to modify or add the selection. Lastly, press APPLY and you will be prompted to store the settings. Storing the settings means to permanently save the changes you've made. If you choose no, the changes will only be applied to your session and not stored. So, when you close DF Client, the changes will be lost.

Multiple characters? Want different aliases, hotkeys, and triggers for each? Goto session settings and save the settings under a different name. Start up DF Client using the "DF CLient" link and select your session or choose Make Session Shortcut in the menu. Screen

Window doesn't stay the same size? The window size is restored to the original size after you restart DF Client. However, you can change the original size. Screen

Connection problems? What do those errors mean? If you receive a "connection refused" error message, it means either you've lost internet connection, the target machine is down, or you're using the wrong port number. If you receive a "host does not exist" or "host not found" error message, it means either the target machine is down, or your connection is bad and you can't make the connection. In the former case, check that you're using the correct host name, check your connection and try again later. In the latter case, try again. Then, turn off all downloads and uploads, and try again. Reboot your computer, and try again.

Slow connection? Laggy? Try each of these in turn: Turn off downloads and uploads. Make sure those on your network are also turned off. Turn off your router and modem for 10 seconds. Reboot your computer.